
Learn from the Past

Saturday, August 6, 2011

补充Bani Umaiyah

Well, 我今天在Astro看到那个Tutor TV SPM, 发现我有遗漏到一些资料, 所以补充一下.

之前有提到在Umaiyah这个王朝时, taraf kesihatan有相当大的提升.
其中除了有建医院, 还有将buku rujukan翻译成阿拉伯文。
例如: Ibn al-Nafis
- 这个人是pakar bedah termasuk di Damsyik
- 他曾menghasilkan buku al-Shamil fis Sina'ah al-Tabibiyah (书名大概大概懂就好了
- 那本书讲的是teknik pembedahan dan rawatan selepas pembedahan 就是关于手术的东西啦

- Galen (盖伦, 一位古希腊的医学家) 曾经menunjukkan bagaimana jantung menyebabkan darah bergerak dalam ebb turun naik, tetapi beliau tidak tahu bahawa darah itu mengalir.

** "ebb在这里可能指gal​en认为血液的流动是起起落落来来回回的"
感谢梳子哥, 不对, 梳子弟弟的解答


- Ibn al-Nafis发现了这个错误, 然后纠正了他, 他是第一个mendeskripsikan peredaran darah dalam tubuh manusia.


Galen believed that the circulatory system consisted of two separate one-way systems of distribution, rather than a single unified system of circulation. His understanding was that venous blood was generated in the liver, from where it was distributed and consumed by all organs of the body. He posited that arterial blood originated in the heart, from where it was distributed and consumed by all organs of the body. The blood was then regenerated in either the liver or the heart, completing the cycle.[35] Galen also believed in the existence of a group of blood vessels he called the rete mirabile, near the back of the human brain.[35] Both of these theories of the circulation of blood were later shown to be incorrect. "


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